Sunday, March 12, 2006

Dumb Names

So last week I downloaded the latest album by Coldplay (X&Y). It's quite good--the whole thing is listenable, there are a couple of songs that might be brilliant, it follows a style without being monotonous. All good things.

The problem is this: not that I truly care, but I just can't get out of my mind that whoever is the frontman for the band married Gwyneth Paltrow, and consented to have a child named Apple. Now. I honestly don't care! I couldn't pick this guy out of a lineup of celebrities, I probably couldn't pick out a Coldplay song I hadn't heard out of a lineup of songs. It's just not one of the celebrity things I care about. And yet there it is. A child is running around with the name Apple, a child who could easily become famous someday, and this guy with all his heartfelt lyrics for us to listen to and relate to didn't stop that from happening.

And I can't get this useless fact to separate itself from this otherwise nice CD.

Truly there are worse names. Chastity comes to mind. Or some of the truly insane ones I see on the rosters at school (but I won't go into that on this forum).


I bet if we asked real nice, Amilynne would tell us the name of Zia (Dandy Warhols) 's baby. There's the one we should care about.


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